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To Mommy Sonia … celebrating the obedience in “Trust and Obey”
VISION: Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
You Deserve to Live Powerfully, by Design!
“Knowledge is Power” or Spiritual Intelligence
You Deserve Love, Joy and Righteousness
Motivation towards Spiritual Intelligence
Scoping Carnal and Spiritual Intelligence
You Deserve a Life Worth Living, by Design
The Business of Love, Money and Economics
Law, Government, Business and the Church
Weaving the Tapestry of Spiritual Intelligence
The “Wow” in Transformation like Butterflies
Agape Love is Designed for Your Heart
You Deserve to have Joy, by Design!
A Prayer of Love, Joy and Righteousness
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Celebrating Life in Love, by Design
Live Powerfully for what matters in Eternity! In all your ways, Love The Lord with all Your heart, soul and mind without leaning on your own carnal understanding. Then Love Your Neighbors with your Agape powered heart, soul and mind. Life is simple, straight forward and full of Joy!
Agape Love is a selfless, self-sacrificing, servant-centered and righteous “action” not a thought. Though it begins via a thought, Love is the “action”, not laziness or procrastination or pretence. Love is the Spiritual bond, not biological ties or erotica or friendly “chemistry” or carnal unions. Jesus is Love! Jesus is selfless, self-sacrificing, servant-centered and righteous. HIS “actions” to Die for our Sins preceded HIS transformation to Eternal Life where HE Intercedes on our behalf. Learn HIS ways by fasting, praying and reading the Word of God; then fervently do “actions” of Love without ceasing. Your unwavering commitment to Love The Lord and Your Neighbors transforms You to use Spiritual Intelligence to Live Powerfully across all the areas of your life!
We have catapulted from traditions of tribal warfare, hunting and gathering food into an era of herdsmen, farmers and agriculturists. Stemming from a commitment of mutual respect, peace, and freedom of movement without trade barriers the Industrial Revolution (1750 to 1850) profoundly changed the social, economic and cultural conditions of daily life. Entrepreneurship triggered unprecedented improvement in income and population growth across the world. Today we shape the Information Revolution era where “knowledge is power” begets goods and services. Information, communication and technology fuel the worldwide distribution of money, goods, services and jobs. This is profoundly changing our economies, businesses, religions, societies and politics in a way where we can see the world. We are better able to equip ourselves to Live Powerfully. Is this our Reality? Are we Living Powerfully in Love?
This article looks at the designed purpose of our human lives “to fellowship with God and Man”. This designed purpose or invisible “context” or commitment of mutual respect is often forgotten due to the blind-spots created by our pursuits of “knowledge is power”. Like a car, we are all driven by a “context” or a central philosophy from which we use our experiences to construct proof rules called “truths” or good reasons for living. Increasingly our choices, habits and addictions become pre-determined by these “truths” or good reasons sometimes called baggages or depression when packed with unforgiveness and fear. Sadly, anything may be called “truths” whether the context is good or bad. Our confidence, persuasion and capacity to choose often becomes animalistic or instinctual when our good reasons, choices, habits and addictions are driven by a “context” that is addictive to the flesh. Like placing emphasis on carnal nature including “knowledge is power”, deeds of the flesh and material possessions.
The question is: What is the “context” of your life? It is pointless to change your life by modifying choices, habits, addictions, reasons, baggages and experiences. This is like changing the tires on a car to run in the same path long pre-determined by your driver or “context”. Example, you have developed an addiction from years of good reasons of indiscipline in over eating (or under eating) to calm your depression or baggages. Yet you are trying to become healthy by changing your habits of eating, exercising and choices of food. Eventually your choices and habits will soon resort to their old good reasons of indiscipline in eating and not exercising. Until you have changed your context of hate, unforgiveness and fear to Agape Love then you will automatically create a new set of righteous good reasons for living. That is, a life of joy, discipline and self-control (like the Fruit of the Spirit) without depression and baggages. So, the good news is: Restoring your designed context of “Loving The Lord and Your Neighbors” will have a domino effect in transforming your experiences to celebrate a path of love, joy and righteousness. Then truths and good reasons become sensory alerts for balancing your Spiritual walk and choices across all the areas of life. Wow! Perfect Love cast out fear and deemphasizes carnal nature including “knowledge is power”, deeds of the flesh and material possessions.
It is easy to observe that our Laws, Governments, Religions, Churches, Businesses, Societies, Homes and man-made institutions or organizations are often short of Agape Love. We often pursue success from the viewpoint of the “survival of the fittest at the sacrifice of the weak or fallen” as opposed to the “sacrifice of the fittest securing the survival of the weak and the legacy of the fallen”. We deceitfully focus on people’s “satisfaction” and greed with the pretence that it represents their “wellbeing”. We enforce our Laws to “make money from lawlessness” as opposed to “spending money to promote lawfulness”. Fear has destructively become the ultimate tool, “context” and philosophy of our survival as opposed to Agape Love.
We are all God’s beloved children! Though there are consequences some of us have resolved to disobedience to God’s design for our life. But listen! Our man-made institutions, jobs and hobbies have no Eternal value, but our Souls do! Let us courageously submit to God’s design, and commit to building a legacy of Agape Love by fellowshipping with God and our Neighbors. Let us courageously resolve to obedience and Live Powerfully for what matters in Eternity!
article takes a rather educated attempt to invite you to “Celebrate Life in
Love, by Design”, that is, according to how you were designed in Love, with
Love, for Love and by Perfect Love.
If “knowledge is power” then why are there so many problems without solutions in the world and particularly in your own life? Knowledge represents your passive interpretations, observations or experiences of how life happens. Like the text message in a phone is as passive as the knowledge in your head. So, knowledge has limitations and side-effects! Example, not because you “know” something is right means that you will do it! Like a mistake! Why then do you need the Law? So knowledge by itself cannot make you do something or make a change in your life. But Fear or Love does! Similarly the text in a phone by itself cannot make the phone do anything. Yet, you often stockpile knowledge about money, education, law, religion, love, health, business, sports, etc. with the belief, persuasion and confidence that you will act powerfully simply because you “know” things. This is a deception! The “context” driving your choices and actions concerns intelligence beyond the limits of “knowledge is power”!
Often you find your life on a roller coaster ride running on carnal emotions and feelings. Momentarily, you get a glimpse of Joy and Excellence without the “know how” to freeze, recapture or replay. But your resolution to move with the flow like a ship tossed by the waves, has been increasingly contaminating all your ways without regard for your money, credibility or accolades. You have been socialized, educated and cultured to pursue “knowledge is power” without examining its disabling or enslaving side-effects which largely goes unnoticed. Knowledge contaminates and puffs up without a root of Love. Yep! Throughout your education and socialization there has been little emphasis on acquiring knowledge with Love. So, are you puffed up, jealous or enviously craving for “knowledge is power”?
Of the things that you say you know only the ones that are true are classified as knowledge. Though there is sufficient evidence to believe that the earth is round, maybe there are people who still believe it is flat. So, knowledge implicitly requires “Faith” in order to believe the evidence; although it is often felt that we need to believe in order to have Faith. Knowledge is not about what it does to you; rather knowledge is about what you do to it, regardless of its contribution. Beyond the limits of “knowledge is power” Faith, Hope and Love are things that will last forever and the greatest of these is Love.
By Design, “knowledge is power” by itself cannot make a change in your life or realize Joy. So, your momentary glimpse of Joy and Excellence does not exist in knowledge, information or material possessions including money, credibility and accolades. By Design, you cannot realize Joy across all the areas of your life on your own. To “Celebrate a Life Worth Living, by Design” includes solving problems and experiencing Love, Joy, Faith, Hope, Passion and Excellence across all the areas of your life. Is this possible? If you really understood the science of carnal nature then you would be surprised to know the myriads of potential vulnerabilities and blind-spots. These only become vulnerabilities and blind-spots when you live by or put emphasis on your carnal understanding, which cannot facilitate an encompassing viewpoint. You were designed to use God’s ubiquitous and encompassing viewpoint via your Spiritual Intelligence. Relying on carnal understanding is like a car moving without a driver, without any sense or intelligence to navigate on its intended pathway. Inevitably, you resolve to move with the flow like a ship tossed by the waves. The boulders and borders of the pathway inadvertently become the driver as you depend on luck to arrive at your intended destination. Carnal nature is open for the Devil to deceitfully manipulate your pathway to his destination of fear and destruction.
Love is “designed” to be the presence of God your designer, creator and savior; for God is Love. You cannot claim to have Agape Love by an imaginary or different way, from how Love is “designed”. Agape Love is enforced through your Spiritual Intelligence capacity which leverages God’s all-encompassing vision to provide solutions beyond the expectation and wisdom of carnal understanding or “knowledge is power”. A heart of Agape Love will access God’s gifts of Joy, Faith and Hope and instills Passion and Excellence across all the areas of your life. The problems associated with carnal nature have obscured your mind to the ease and simplicity of living via Agape Love and Spiritual Intelligence. This is a simple design for living abundantly. A simple and straight forward way to “Celebrate a Life Worth Living, by Design”!
“The more we celebrate in Love, the more we find in Love to celebrate. Love is contagious to the mind but not addictive to the flesh; that is, Love is a recurring choice you deliberately make to remain in Love.”
Every now and then you get a sense of fulfillment, happiness, confidence and effectiveness in dealing with the challenges and opportunities of life. At this point you get a taste and a glimpse of another dimension (or plane or level) of life where you passionately experience excellence across the areas of your life. If only you could recapture the joy and context of this moment or dimension of life! This dimension is an art of living which proposes deducing a context or higher-level understanding of joy across the amalgamation of work, play, love, religion, etc. This abstraction of joy aims to create a life worth living by transforming your sense of purpose, passion, vitality and grace across all the areas of life. Within this dimension (or understanding or context or spiritual-sense or conscience or spiritual-quotient or art) of living you construct and customize a personal covenant, direction and sensory alerts to keep your wheels on joy.
Many who are empty of this dimension or spiritual-sense of joy are full of words, like empty barrels making noise. They are often working hard to stockpile or increase their money, credibility points and accolades; but not working smart with joy, passion, vitality and grace that fully support the way we are all “designed” to live a life worth living. They deliberately waste the essence of their life by “choosing” to live robotically via their animalistic or instinctual nature. Why would God bother to make intelligent humans in HIS own image without some consequences if we live otherwise? Like consequences for God to lose “integrity” in holding the universe in place. Can you imagine a jungle lion living like a chicken without consequences? We can always imaginatively invent a lion-chicken or chicken-lion without consequences, however to transfer this “imagination” to real life has predefined or pre-designed consequences.
Do you rather to give a man a fish or teach a man the “formula of how to fish” when he needs a fish? To give a man a fish may trigger a race for him to “stockpile” fish in order to have a fish whenever he needs a fish. In a world of constant change, living by the “formula of how to fish” renders flexibility and adaptability as opposed to the disabilities associated with living via “stockpiling” perishable fish. Joy lives within a “formula of how” and not within an item or act.
It is easy to observe that there are things in existence which you do not know that you do not know. Hence, “potentially” there is another dimension of life to which you have no clue, like a "blind-spot". Your true potential lies within this other potential dimension of life. Therefore, you cannot access your true “potential” by stockpiling or increasing your knowledge (or information) within the existing dimension or worldview of life as you know it. Understanding the “formula of how you are able to intelligently” think, act and know things will provide access to this other dimension of life and the wisdom to tap into your true “potential” and possibilities within the design of life. Therefore to recapture the joy and context of your moment and dimension of passion, vitality and grace concerns the Spiritual intelligence or higher-level understanding that structurally supports Normal intelligence (or information or items or acts).
Leveraging the words of an old Master’s glimpse and taste of the Spiritual dimension of life:
“When you master the art of living there is little distinction between work, play, labor, leisure, mind, body, education, recreation, love or religion. You live, move and have you being from a Spiritual premise or context that transforms the concerns of your Carnal life. Carnally, it becomes difficult to determine whether you are working or playing because a master is always pursuing a Spiritual vision and context of joy, passion and excellence across all the areas of life.”
At the heart of a life worth living is the formula of a Spiritual Transformation of your mind to emphasize and prioritize thinking and acting via the system of God’s Kingdom which enables you to effectively balance within life’s design. Resist the Devil’s system which seeks to deceive and attack the vulnerable blind-spots of your Carnal Life. Like the deception of happiness proclaimed by the “survival of the fittest” race to stockpile money, credibility points and accolades in a Carnal System. Think about this! Is it possible to get the “formula of how” to balance on a bicycle by reading a stockpile of books or information? No! Balancing on a bicycle represents a transformation of your mind similar to a baby learning to walk. Yes, you may easily forget “information” but not “balancing”! Balancing requires practical repeatable actions or trials that enforce a mental “formula of how” to keep your body in equilibrium within nature’s design of gravity. Like sensory alerts that keep your wheels on Joy! The Joy of the Lord is your Strength, Passion, Vim, Vigor, and Vitality! The remaining sections of this article enlighten the process and life of a Spiritually Transformed mind.
Spiritually Living is a formula of “agape love and righteousness” that efficiently produces what you need when you need for your total wellbeing; this formula surpasses the understanding of carnally minded logics. Carnally Living is a system of fear founded on the politics and economics of “scarce benefits and spoils”. The laws of Economics profess the “scarcity of goods” produced by the “sacrifice of the weak and fallen” to be enjoyed by the “survival of the fittest”; through the disguise of mechanically fabricated “satisfaction” and greed over people’s total wellbeing. This rather enslaving form of socialization does not effectively support the wellbeing of how humans are designed to live and frequently produces stress, sickness, depression and death. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of, the world and all that is in it. There is no scarcity of anything that we need for our wellbeing. Really! Simply use the formula of “agape love, joy and righteousness” to be your provider!
Love is one business in which it pays to be an absolute spendthrift! Shake and empty all your pockets; give it all away, throw and splash it all over; and tomorrow you will automatically have more than ever. Try it out! This is not biological (family) links or erotica or friendly “chemistry” masquerading as “Instinctual Love”. The seeds of Love planted through the power of Faith will produce rewards secured by the foundation Promises and Grace of God. This business of Love is somewhat an inverted shift from the philosophy of “scarce benefits and spoils”.
Check this! Carnally, the Law of the land seeks to punish each of your offences, transgressions and blind-spots without restoring your money, credibility points and accolades. No real forgiveness! This otherwise called the Law of Sin, stockpiles the number of your convictions and condemnations. Every act of sin or transgression is a move ultimately towards your destruction. Jail time! Spiritually, God’s Grace has already paid the ransom for all your transgressions, restored your credibility and crowned you with eternal life. Wow! Each person receives this package by repenting with an unwavering belief and faith in Jesus Christ. Carnally the Law seeks to use your past to destroy your hope and future. Spiritually, God’s Grace forgives and forgets your past then restores your hope and future. All things and events are converted for the “good” of your wellbeing. Healing! Grace gives you a clean future to powerfully explore, create and innovate a life worth living. Now, you really live and move and have your being in Grace!
Upside-down! In God’s servant-centered Kingdom whosoever is chief is a servant of servants. This is exemplified by Christ washing the feet of his disciples as a Shepherd tending over his sheep. In the Carnal self-centered kingdom whosoever is chief is not a servant, rather a master for enslaved servants as in the sheep tending to the needs of the Shepherd. You have been socialized by a self-centered ego-based society to believe that it is normal to be selfish and leadership is about getting others to service your needs. Jesus has demonstrated that kings, governments, owners, managers, pastors, elders, husbands, parents and other leaders are to be humble and caring servants (Shepherds) tending to the needs of their followers (sheep). Leadership today has been contaminated with “superiority, pride and ego” especially when followers are contaminated with “inferiority, shyness, jealousy and envy”! Self-centeredness and self-consciousness are like styles of adornment. Dangerous stuff! Self-centeredness and Pride has turned Angels into Devils!
You were designed with a Spiritual Intelligence capacity for the purpose of fellowshipping with God. This fellowship affords you a Supernatural life of hope, faith, love, joy, and righteousness. This Spiritual-sense is servant-centered, self-sacrificing, ubiquitous, all-encompassing and full of “potentials” for you to explore and shape a life worth living. Wow! Carnal Intelligence, instinctual nature and material possessions are not emphasized since you have the Spiritual power to shape your life. However, the inheritance of generational Sin from the actions of disobedience of Eve and particularly Adam (carrying the seed) suffers disconnection from God. Although you are designed with the capacity of Spiritual Intelligence, you were born into Sin or Carnal Intelligence which is the consequence of disobedience to the Word God. Now, living in the “consequence” called Sin seems “normal” (addictive) as you reject to restore your Spiritual Intelligence. Why Suffer! It takes more labor to suffer than to live by Spiritual Intelligence!
Carnal-sense, instinctual nature and material possessions are emphasized because you lack the Spiritual power to shape your life. By the sweat of your brow you labor at the soil to eat bread among other things. Carnal Intelligence is not of hope, faith, love, joy or righteousness; but is driven by fear, self-centeredness and nature’s equations of luck. Carnal Intelligence is one-dimensional, parasite-like, unholy, and lacks the “potential” for you to explore and shape a life worth living. Oh no! A transition from Spiritual solutions chasing problems to a Carnal life full of problems desperately seeking solutions! Yes, every Carnal solution to a problem is both a blind-spotted solution and problem in itself. So, the scientific pursuits to “interpret Carnal nature” in order to find Carnal solutions for Carnal problems is without end. Life is like a roller coaster ride running on emotions and feelings of satisfaction or greed for material possessions. Empty! Your worldview is limited to mere animalistic, instinctual and materialistic pursuits while the Laws of justice relentlessly seek and lay wait your convictions, ultimately towards your destruction. Momentarily, you get a glimpse or taste of your unfulfilled Spiritual capacity with which you are designed. Always in search of “something”! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has courageously shed HIS blood to “transform” your life to live by Spiritual Intelligence i.e. by Grace through Faith.
The transformation from Carnally Living to Spiritually Living is exemplified by the process of metamorphosis. Like butterflies! This process begins with an egg producing a caterpillar which represents Carnally Living in this analogy. However, rather than growing to become an adult caterpillar as proclaimed by the process of evolution, the crawling caterpillar enters into transformation via a chemical soup called pupa or chrysalis. Metamorphosis defies the evolutionist “interpretations” of life! The pupa produces a butterfly (representing Spiritually Living) which has no bearing or shape of the preceding caterpillar. This significantly transformed butterfly has a different brain system, digestive system, food supply, defense system, reproductive system and wonderfully colored wings to explore and celebrate the glory of the world. By adopting a transformed lifestyle the once caterpillar now butterfly is astronomically better able to shape the future and fulfill its life and destiny. Talk about a life worth living!
This transformation is not a change! Rather a paradigm shift in the founding philosophy of your life. Spiritually, problems, challenges or trials are opportunities to perfect and reinforce your formula for balancing. That is, balancing to fully embrace God’s servant-centered, ubiquitous and all encompassing Will, Love, Joy and Righteousness. Until the day of resurrection your carnal nature (flesh), self-will and self-centered socialization will relentlessly present blind-spots attempting to obscure your commitment of “unwavering Love and unyielding resistance to Sin”.
Love is contagious to the mind but not addictive to the flesh; that is, Love is a recurring choice you deliberately make to remain in Love. Spiritually Living essentially embodies your commitment and actions of unwavering hope, faith, love, joy and righteousness; Combined with your unyielding watch, struggle, battle and resistance to fear, self-centeredness, deeds of the flesh and unrighteousness. The Devil relentlessly battles to cleverly snatch the focus and choices of your mind via the uncensored vulnerabilities of your senses, emotions, habits, socialization and addictions. Yes! Magicians often perform tricks by exploiting some of these same vulnerabilities and blind-spots of your mind. Advertising companies often spend millions of dollars to create and exploit these blind-spots otherwise called “markets” to sell goods and fulfill your so-called “blind satisfaction” or greed which they mechanically fabricated. Have you ever been powerless to resist the influences of some advertisements? Similarly the Devil uses your carnal nature, flesh or instinct (like other animals) to robotically make choices without a rational or conscience of hope, faith, love, joy and righteousness. You have no alternative but to Spiritually prepare your conscience with the Word of God and fight for what matters in eternity. The lack of a plan or will to fight is automatically an act in itself to lose the battle for your life.
Some persons will mock or ignore this call to live, move and have their being in God’s Kingdom of Love, Joy and Righteousness. Some person will agree with this call, but have no resolve to live it out. Listen! Do not fall asleep at the wheel (or die), only to wake up and realize that your jobs and hobbies have (or had) no eternal value, but your souls do (or did)! You cannot proclaim Love, Joy and Righteousness while you feed your souls, senses, emotions, habits, socialization and addictions from mediums and actions of gossip, lust, carnal beliefs, deeds of the flesh and sin. Time to wake up to Joy! The Joy of the Lord is your Vim, Vigor, and Vitality!
There are some persons who, regardless of our mistakes, offences, transgressions and condemnations will courageously resolve to “Celebrate Life by Design” and love God with all our hearts, minds and souls. We lean not on our own carnal understanding or worldview to which we were born, otherwise called Sin. We trust in the higher-understanding or Spiritual Intelligence of the Lord to direct all our ways. We feed our souls, senses, emotions, habits, socialization and addictions from mediums and actions of Love. The more we live and celebrate in Love, the more we find in Love to live and celebrate. We will courageously seek to serve and win our neighbors into God’s Kingdom of Love, Joy and Righteousness. We will courageously submit and build a legacy for what matters in eternity.
Perfect and eternal God with whom I am in Love, I courageously submit to live, move and have my being in Your Kingdom of Love, Joy and Righteousness.
Forgive my sins and cleanse my unrighteousness as I humbly live to honor your Holy presence.
Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit if you listen you listen by Love, if you judge you judge by Love, if you pardon you pardon by Love;
And from this root of Love you created me, then courageously died, rose and assured my Salvation by Grace through Faith.
Lord, grant me actions of Love to fervently Seek You, actions of Love to steadfastly Behold You, and actions of Love to unceasingly Proclaim You.
In Your image of Love I am designed for Love, designed with Love and designed by Your perfect Love.
In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens