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VISION: Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
Systematically Controlling the Mindset
Promoted from Servant to Slave Master
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Enslaved by Imaginary MONEY?
Money a basic human invention has evolved to the forefront of human struggles. Many believe Money is the root of all evil, yet it seems we cannot live without it. Can Money in itself be evil or are we psychologically enslaved?
Money is imaginary as in unreal. The numbers on the piece of paper (dollar) or piece of metal (coin) or in the bank’s computer system is an attempt to trick or appeal to our minds (imagination) to fake it or treat it as real. There is no real money value, cost or price for anything. The value, cost or price represented by money is an emotional number determined by the emotions of a group of persons who agree to auction, barter or trade what they own. The emotionally derived phantom number in Imaginary Money is promoted as an easier medium for persons to exchange what they own, but it is also a tool for the powerbrokers to control and enslave the nation. Our temporary life on planet earth does not afford us the facility to bring any possessions at birth, or own anything while alive, or take away anything on departure. We have learnt of kings attempting to take away treasures of gold on their death, but while the kings disappeared (decayed) the treasures of gold remained.
Our life is so temporary that it can be snuffed out at any moment regardless of the amount of so-called protection that we may employ. When we think of diseases, wars, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, injustice and government regulations to name a few destructive forces we get an appreciation of how much we are in control of the ownership of our life. We get an appreciation of the little control we have over the life we are attempting to own or call our own. By extension, we then use our temporary and little controlled life to claim full ownership and authority over the material and other possessions of the earth. Furthermore these material and other earthly possessions are in themselves vulnerable to the destructive forces mentioned earlier. Therefore, there can be no real ownership of the possessions of planet earth. We are mere servants, as in temporary stewards, custodians or guardians who have the mental capacity to use our imagination to fool ourselves into believing and acting otherwise. We use our imagination to claim an Imaginary Ownership over the possessions of the planet earth, then setup laws and other systems of Money to school and control an entire nation to follow this mindset.
The horrifying story about the sinking of the indestructible Titanic ship should serve as a lesson to tell us of the consequences for using our intellect and imagination in an inappropriate manner or to attempt the impossible. The understanding and controlling of our minds are the major determinants of the quality of our life. In life there is always someone or something systematically trying to influence or control our minds, including the law of the land, advertisements and social groups. So there is always a competition or fight going on to get the focus of our minds. We lose the fight by becoming addicted or being totally controlled by our influences and habits without an opportunity to fight. So mentally engrossed, dependent and captivated that we become physically disabled to act contrary to our object of influence. This represents a significant life transition in which an object of our imagination has been promoted from the state of being a servant to become master of our real actions in life. The challenge is: is this master enabling and empowering our life according to how we are designed to live and support each other? Nature is filled with clues that humans like other species are designed to live in peace and harmony with each other. Living contrary to our intended design will only result in the sinking of the indestructible Titanic ship.
Advertising companies spend billions annually to influence or control our minds to make us become ‘satisfied’ with their products without any real focus or regard for our ‘well-being’. Medical drug companies are more concerned about extracting and patenting a drug from a plant in order to sell and make money from sick patients. Alternatively, medical drug companies could better improve our well-being by telling patients how to grow and eat the plant. In several cases these drugs contain additives and preservatives that are toxic to other parts of the body, hence they end-up attempting to fix one problem while creating another. Though companies can take a more responsible approach and action to focus on the customer’s well-being as opposed to satisfaction this will be seen as irresponsible by the regulators. By the law of the land companies are created to make a profit and should be managed by the laws of accounting and economies which are researched, developed and taught by the major universities. The law of the land seeks to collect taxes from the profits of companies, hence the overwhelming support for profits. The actions of companies are often rooted from one of the fundamental law of economics, namely Marginal Utility, which focuses on customer satisfaction and not customer well-being. Now we have an entire system of education, religion, society, law and nation built on this premise of focusing on people’s satisfaction without regard for people’s well-being.
Imaginary Money may have been promoted or masqueraded as a good medium of exchange but has been systematically wielded into a master of our mind and by extension our lives. Whether it is a matter of improper education or improper use of education, the misuse of Imaginary Money and systems of knowledge about money has lead to some what our self destruction. It is only rational that our satisfaction capability be used to support or be of service (servant) to our overall well-being. Stemming from the misuse of systems of Imaginary Money we have indirectly promoted our satisfaction from servant to master of our life without regard for our well-being. In today’s society we kill and destroy each other over the phantom number in Imaginary Money and not necessarily so much the possessions of the earth. The mindset is that the phantom number in Imaginary Money is power. It is easy to observe that it requires Imaginary Money to show that you care, or have the potential to care, for someone. Hence level of respect among families, friends, neighbors, associates and other social groups are highly influenced by Money. The phantom number in Imaginary Money often determines who mentally and socially assumes the right or power to take control of our society. Worst, Imaginary Money often determines who should mentally assume inferiority and submit to being controlled by the satisfaction of others without regard for their well-being.
What will we think of next? First we are taught that Knowledge is power! Then we use knowledge to make an improvement to invent Imaginary Money. Then we say that Imaginary Money is power! Then we make an improvement to say that the Knowledge of Imaginary Money is power by building systems of knowledge about Imaginary Money including accounting and economics. Here we gain wisdom or experiences in deciding how to gamble, compete and transfer Imaginary Money from each other. But hidden behind this all is the culture of garnering respect and controlling each other via the phantom number in Imaginary Money. In today’s economy it is believed that the total amount of Money in a bank’s computer system is more than the total amount of Money in paper and coin in circulation. In other words, if we all went to the banks to withdraw our money then all the banks will be out of paper money before they pay us in full. Quietly, Imaginary Money has systematically evolved from coin and paper to digits on a computer system, maybe for more convenience from a point of control. With the adoption and growth of internet based transactions coin and paper Money will soon become obsolete. Who is financing all of these developments and why? Imaginary Money has been masqueraded as a good medium of exchange but has been a tool to systematically control our mind and life by the powerbrokers of our societies.
The challenge is to let Imaginary Money become and remain a servant and not be psychologically promoted to become the slave master of our lives. Taking a paradigm shift from the imagination to reality it is easy to observe that True Love (Agape Love) is power! Nature tells us that Love is a fundamental element within the design of planet earth. It is believed that we are deliberately designed for Love, with Love, and by Love. Love is physically the act of sharing and at the same time spiritually the sense of oneness, honor and unity among sharing participants. Where fear build walls, the gift of Love build bridges and breaks down walls. From this paradigm Knowledge, Money or any other element of life becomes power when founded, gained and maintained in Love. Hence Knowledge without Love is not power! Money or systems of Money without Love is not power and will ultimately trend towards self destruction. Therefore let us furnish our minds with True (Agape) Love to be of service to each other as a gift of life in its purest and simplest form. Let us live in a world with Imaginary Money without becoming infected or contaminated by the self-centered intents of the powerbrokers of our societies. After all, Imaginary Money is but one of the many elements of selfish control mechanisms in this life. Therefore let us embrace True (Agape) Love in all facets of life to avoid becoming contaminated by the self-centered intents of others. Let us become an active advocate and a living legacy of how life was intentionally designed to be lived in its purest and simplest form.
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of articles concerning The Business of “Life”:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
Governing the
Business of Life
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens