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To Maurice “Daddy” Facey, for inspiring an immortal vision of Joy.
us join our hearts to celebrate the inspirational and fulfilled Life of our
beloved and cherished
Maurice “Daddy” Facey O.J., J.P., a husband, mogul, pioneer, philanthropist,
and father to many.
was created for Life and not Life for Eternity. Hence,
Eternity begins with Life and we are
always sharing in Eternity now. The rays of the sun on the revolving earth we
imaginatively call day,
night, past, present and future. There is no real yesterday or tomorrow; no
stress or hopelessness;
only the creations and consequences of our wild imaginations within God’s
reality, in Eternity now.
essence Life is Spiritual, everlasting and unbounded by fantasy, mortality and
physical nature.
Life embodies our latent and prevailing visions, actions and legacy expressions
of Love for humanity.
Life is fulfilled through purpose, creativity, equity and integrity to be the
change you want to see.
Let us
promote the goodwill of men among men. Let us embrace the values, visions,
creations and
legacy expressions of our icon and role model Daddy Facey. Let us triumph beyond fantasy, mortality
and physical nature to celebrate and share with him expressions of God’s Love,
in Eternity now.
In promoting Vision Good Life Jamaica, this article aims to enroll humans to participate in their deserved Life according to how it is designed to work. The following viewpoints are presented:
o Crime, Violence and Poverty are mandatory (and not random) responses to an exploitation of the human DNA-Instincts or Physical nature and a lack of a Humanitarian Purpose for Life. Using “feelings” to evaluate and achieve your goals will result in mandatory discontentment. See also The KRYS CRIME SOLUTION for Jamaica at:
o Scientific, Socio-Economic and Biblical theories highlight the role of Spiritual Intelligence to control Fear and enable Joy, Creativity, Wealth and Stewardship among fellow humans.
o The hypocritical and flip-flop style of Governance inadvertently promoted by Business, Religion and Politics is a major challenge in creating sustainable societies where humans effectively participate in Life beyond surviving mainly to feed their bellies and emotions.
o The culture of Intelligence constituted by “Purpose” is proposed to be a viable framework for creating sustainable societies where humans innovate, fellowship and enjoy Life.
o Regardless of the state of mind or ambitions in Life, the difficulty of beating the influences and addictions of the environment is often underestimated. Hence the call for Integrity to righteously constitute and regulate the human heart, mind and soul within design scope.
o The use of Mass Media Marketing as a strategy to promote attitudes, behaviors and environments in which work, wellness and charity are preferred social symbols of choice. This is a call to transform teaching of the Gospel from “talk” centers to “work” centers. Have people experientially try, test and prove this way of Life to develop the required personal testimony of its viability and sustainability.
o Examples of success stories are drawn from the trends in leading countries including the USA, Denmark and Singapore.
VISION: Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
Joy in an Honest Day of Work by Design
Executive Summary – The Pleasure Trap of Fear
Governance by Design in USA, Denmark, Singapore
The Role of Integrity in Governance by Design
Bad Governance is not Good Government
Jamaica neglects Pledge to Governance by Design
Business Governance Myth – Fear to Secure Love
Religion Governance Myth – Love to Justify Fear
Cost of Bad Governance in Business and Religion
Myth of Surviving in Conflicts of Love and Fear
A Vision of Joy, Wealth and Resolving Fear
God sets the Game Board to blend Perfection
Jamaica sets Righteousness as World Standard
Reforming Government, Business and Religion
APPENDIX: Visioning The Business of “Life”
This is an act of “Sharing Love, Joy and Peace”. There is no requirement to agree or disagree with this article. Maybe there is information to help improve your life or the life of someone else. You may read and discuss it several times to let “repetition” enforce your persuasion and confidence. Get a chance to fully analyze and validate the contents from several viewpoints.
Remember that merely “Reading” this article will NOT make you do anything, or make a change in your life, or make your Life better. Like experiencing balancing, You must apply “Purpose” and take Action to BE the Change you want to See. The “Game of Life” is simple and full of Joy!
Governing the Business of “Life”
We need to use the Divine Intervention we have been given and stop looking in the wrong places for solutions to crime, violence, lack of creativity and low productivity. The truth is, while the acts of crime are devastating and undesirable, “criminals” are awesome humans designed in the image of God! Some may be rich people, poor people, families, friends or neighbors. Yes, we are all related to criminals somehow! Though it is impossible to keep the Law to the letter, we are still required to execute our “responsibilities” in keeping with the Law. We cannot forcibly change the minds of people to become criminals or to stop being criminals; especially since we cannot control the challenges of life. However, individuals can control how each “responds” to the challenges of life. Let us resolve to “inspire” each other to respond to the challenges of life with Spiritual virtues like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and self control.
The prisons are full; hence locking away offenders is no longer an option, especially since there are too many criminals, beneficiaries, accessories and naysaying bystanders to crime and violence. Therefore the alternative is to use mass media marketing and door to door campaigning to inspire people to mitigate crime and violence. Like using political campaigns to show people how to be creative and productive; and to stop feeding their pockets, families, businesses, churches and communities from the tainted proceeds of crime and violence. This is not to knock Business and Religion which are indirectly exploited to support crime when the tainted proceeds are remitted or spent in the form of sales, profits, capital, tithes and offerings.
Example, people cannot expect to benefit from the downfall of others when the stolen money from the Lottery or the Scam is spent to presumably boost the economy and social welfare. At the root, this points to a lack of empathy, guilt and Love. Let us stop the onslaught of “Fear” ruling the Survival actions of people and train them how to let God righteously lead their heart, mind and soul with Love. Awaken people to joy, creativity, passion, integrity and excellence through an honest day of work and charity. Let us lobby the stakeholders of the local, regional and international communities to promote the transfer of Love, innovation and productivity and mitigate or block the transfer of weapons and technologies of crime and violence.
The evolving complexities of human demographics, economics and global security demand the collaboration of local, regional and international stakeholders to shape a world of creativity, productivity and peace. However, there is a growing understanding that it requires more than a commitment from Government, Business and Religion to shape a life of joy and resolve fear, crime and poverty. Regardless of the governance or strategies employed, it will ultimately depend on the efforts of ordinary people united through a “spiritual vision”, beyond the scope of “instinctually” feeding their bellies and emotions to resolve life’s challenges. That is, a vision that transcends the scope of the instinctual fear and rivalry of exploiting the weak to feed the bellies and emotions of the laggards. Therefore, it will depend on ordinary men and women who are driven by a life of “purpose” to joyfully work against the odds, through thick and thin to achieve their life goals. This is opposed to the myth of working to fulfill the rather instinctual “fear” driven goals of Self-centeredness and Governance by the “Survival of the Fittest”.
This is a call to awaken and inspire humans to stop traumatizing their instinctual Pleasure System and realign their lives within the scope of how life is designed to work. What would you do if someone hurt your “feelings”? Seek to Attack? Is this the Right response? Why do people “uncontrollably” do the wrong thing, even though they “consciously” know the right thing to do? Like why you specifically aim to “destroy” the people you claim to love, for working against your “feelings”, as if your Survival is threatened? This reaction is mandated by your DNA program and often leads to crime, violence and poverty. Science has revealed that “Instincts” (or neural circuits) are programmed by the genetic code or DNA, to convert thought-like computations into feelings (or sensory signals) in order to drive bodily actions. Formulated around bonding stimulants like food and sex, Instincts rely on a vulnerable Pleasure System of “feelings” and emotions which uses exciting euphoria, pain avoidance and energy conservation to pilot the survival of our genes on the planet. Instincts are like selfish robots mandatorily using pleasure and feeling to defend and secure the procreation and survival of a person. Without remorse and regard for others, Instincts and feelings are always seeking to destroy and avoid perceived threats of fear and unhappiness to survival.
It does not matter how bright, conscientious, alert, lucky, or “godly” you are; whenever instincts and “feelings” are emphasized the brain “overrides” other forms of logically thinking to robustly destroy perceived threats and secure perceived gains for survival. The brain ensures to memorize patterns of voice, picture, smell and other sensory signals in the process of neural adaptation. When faced with new challenges “pattern matching” proof-rules and territorial habituation are then used to reference how similar experiences were last resolved. Increasingly these patterns become habits and addictions which are sometimes called baggages when loaded with unforgiveness, stress and fear. Essentially, there is no thinking “out of the box”; Instincts typically rely on linear learning and territorial pattern matching, hence vulnerable, easily fooled and fearfully reacts to the “power” of the fittest as opposed to authority.
Also, this brain override feature of neural adaptation explains why people “uncontrollably” do the wrong thing, even though they “consciously” know the right thing to do. Yes, it is a natural biological survival feature, not a ghost or the devil, or a lack of wisdom or luck as it may otherwise seem. When you emphasize good or bad “feelings” like pride, greed, respect, ownership, shyness, etc. as social goals, the body then uses the DNA-Program to “uncontrollably” execute these goals until the “feelings” are dropped. This biological program converts emphasized “feelings” to the Fear of your body Not Surviving, also called the Fear of Survival. But the challenges of life are mandatory. So, like a “social cannibal” hunting for preys, you seek to destroy fellow humans “perceived” as the challenges to your social goals even though there is no real threat to your survival.
This misuse of “feelings” recycles you through a delusion called The Pleasure Trap of FEAR where you may “feel” very successful though you are actually self-destructing. In this Trap or delusion, the Devil’s magical Pain (like hunger) “motivates” you to seek God’s magical Pleasures (like food). Violence or Stress is then used to magically destroy challenges after which you recycle back to your state of Laziness and await your next motivation of Pain. This maybe ok for “cavemen”, but impossible for a modern or global society. Achieving your social goals in a modern or global society mandatorily requires intelligence and work; not “magic”!
So by the mandate of the DNA program, Instincts and feelings can only use “self-centeredness” and the “Fear of Survival” to seek pleasure, avoid pain, avoid work or become lazy. Ultimately, everything is “perceived and evaluated” as a threat to Survival. Hence Instincts are mandatorily ready to DESTROY any threat, to gain Pleasure as the reward for the Fear of Survival. Why is this system not full-proof? Not everything in life needs to be perceived or evaluated as a threat to survival, e.g. being courteous. Self-centeredness does not evaluate the morality and integrity of your actions with others. Also, this Pleasure System can be easily fooled or derailed via abnormal stimulants e.g. taking dopamine drugs. Humans can feel good when they are intoxicated by deadly drugs and can feel bad when taking life-saving health medications; hence “feelings” are not a reliable source of judgment. So, biologically or instinctually you may “feel” very good or successful at securing survival when actually you are self-destructing.
This misconception represents a major flaw in Governance by the “Survival of the Fittest”, where by Governments, Laws and Economics regulate people via Business and Religion to emphasize instinctual structures, feelings, satisfaction and greed ultimately to misjudge and self-destruct. So implicitly, the Government, Laws and Economics enforce crime, violence and poverty; then “punish” people for using this mandated crime, violence and poverty. What hypocrisy! May be the “luck of Nature” is a better tool to regulate people living by instincts, like animals do? The efforts of State Prisons, Civil Societies, Business and Religion must include strategies to deemphasize and demote the rule of instincts and feelings in order to create sustainable societies where humans innovate, fellowship and enjoy their deserved Life.
Essentially, societies are groups of humans “sharing” their specialized innovations of goods and services through the processes of trade and charity. Therefore “social” goals are all about sharing, fellowshipping and contributing in a society. However, the Self-centered formula of instincts and “feelings” cannot be used to create sustainable societies, hence the basis for a non-biological or Spiritual formula to facilitate sharing among humans. The Servant-centered formula of Love uses "empathy" to spiritually to see yourself in others, in order to use your self-centered physical body to serve or lead them to attain their social goals as if they are yours. Hence the call for a Humanitarian Purpose powered by Love, integrity and intelligence.
Children are born using Instincts and should mature to use Intelligence in order to effectively resolve the challenges of life. Unfortunately, humans are often socialized not to make this transformation to Intelligence. Subsequently, they live mainly based on Instincts and negatively exploit the stimulants of their instinctual Pleasure System. This overuse of Instincts mandatorily (not randomly) triggers an overuse of Fear, violence and crime to resolve life’s challenges, some of which are no threat to survival. This is a Pleasure Trap which mandatorily (not randomly) triggers self-centeredness, inauthenticity, laziness, greed, depression and premature death.
This Pleasure Trap of Fear includes practices and interactions which emphasize instincts and “feelings” as the main drivers used to make decisions, foster relationships, evaluate problems and achieve goals. Hence resulting in unnecessary but mandatory discontentment or violence to resolve any perceived challenge, even though there is no threat to survival. This is opposed to using “purpose” driven investigation, analysis, intelligence modeling and wisdom to compose a life-designed resolution to challenges, without being hijacked by instinctual addictions or the Fear of Survival. Influencing adults or children to over eat, over sweets, over sleep or over pleasure will lead them to evaluate and achieve their goals through selfishness, hypocrisy and unstable relationships ruined by the lack of empathy, remorse and sacrificial sharing with others. Yes, the subtle consequence of emphasizing “feelings” is to reward the Fear of Survival.
This Pleasure Trap of Fear also includes:
o additively eating highly concentrated salty, oily and sweet foods to become sick and obese
o avoiding physical exercise and work while expecting great health and financial rewards
o laziness like frequently taking naps and idle-times at the expense of meeting deadlines
o over indulging in sex and pornography which often escalate to taking dopamine drugs
o sermons, laws, entertainment and media campaigns promoting a life of Instincts and fear
o parents and friends over using food, sex and other pleasure stimulants to express love
o emphasizing instinctual body parts and features as the magic and essence of relationships
o masquerading biological ties, friendly chemistry and business or religious unions as “Love”
o acquiring education and employment with the dominant vision of lavishing pleasures
o the lack of actions that seeks to make a real contribution to the wellbeing of humanity
The truth is, “Pleasure Kills” like depression kills, all by the Fear of Survival. It is easy to observe that humans (and their pets) are about the only species that are frequently overweight, often sick, excessively fearful of fellow humans and depressed about their perceived worlds. Also, the human brain is made of cells or flesh like other body parts, so a sick, overfed or intoxicated brain will malfunction the DNA program and jeopardize survival. What about discrimination? There are no superior or inferior Instincts, not by race, color or creed. Any person, even a Priest, who chooses to emphasize living by Instincts, will end-up with the Pleasure Trap of Fear, violence, crime, discrimination and low productivity. Why use intelligence to resolve needs which are automatically fulfilled by the DNA program? Like the DNA program already resolves the need of hunger, so why emphasize overeating to become addicted or sick. How about using intelligence to resolve challenges beyond the scope of instincts or feelings? Like making a contribution to humanity by helping people and animals affected by natural disasters!
In Jude 1 and 2-Peter 2 (NIV), the Bible declares that people who follow mere natural Instincts do not have the Spirit and blasphemes by slandering whatever things they do not understand by instincts. Yet, the very things (like pleasures) that they do understand by instincts will destroy them. They are like unreasoning and irrational animals, born only to be caught and destroyed like animals perish. Example, birth is an instinctual process, so it is not possible to love your “family” based on your instinctual birth or vice versa. Instinctually, your “caring” mother, father, spouse, friend or child will destroy you as a threat to gain pleasure and vice versa. Hence, you can only love your family as human beings, like your neighbors. Although highly promoted otherwise, it is suicidal and destructive to express Love essentially via your “feelings” which mandatorily seeks to destroy any counter-party “perceived” as a threat to gain pleasure. Does this explain why rape, cheating and infidelity are mandatorily done without guilt? Conversely, Love is designed to “bond” and not destroy. The persistent hypocrisy and flip-flop in feelings is driven by the influences and addictions of environments often out of your control. So Love requires a humanitarian life-purpose which consistently bond relationships and demote the destructive rule of “feelings”. Can you see the turmoil of societies “regulated” to emphasize instincts?
Like a transformation of the mind, a life of “purpose” uses a vision that is life-designed, humanitarian and love-centric to replace, demote or deemphasize the dominance or rule of instincts, feelings and the Pleasure Trap of Fear. That is, in resolving life’s challenges “purpose” uses spiritual virtues and intelligence to rationally reason and evaluate factors like feasibility, affordability, durability, functionality, potentiality, adaptability, maintainability and workability to empower the wellbeing of humanity. Purpose uses love, integrity and stewardship as the pilots to achieve life’s goals instead of the rivalry for fear-driven instinctual pleasures. Inadvertently, a person’s “survival” is also better served among purpose-driven and loving friends, as opposed to fear-driven adversaries. Though it is common to imagine otherwise, virtues like joy and peace are designed as spiritual rewards and not resources to be acquired through fear or money. Therefore, a life of joy and peace is the spiritual reward for working through a life-designed or spiritual vision, beyond the scope of using instincts to rival for worldly pleasures in order to reward the Fear of Survival.
For example, suppose you invent a “purpose” for your whole life to awaken the full potential in fellow humans and inspire them to also invent this “purpose” for their lives towards others. Then give-up the emphasized “feelings” of discrimination and the stress of faking or acting “multiple” conflicting personas for the social classifications and areas of life. Replace them with “one” genuine humanitarian persona. Your humanitarian life-purpose or spiritual vision must empower the wellbeing of fellow humans across all areas of life including work, play, education, religion, leisure or family life. The areas of life are vehicles that present varying challenges and opportunities to try, test and prove the testimony and wisdom of your life-purpose. Ultimately, this purpose guides your rules of pay-offs and sacrifices in responding to the mandatory challenges shaping the essence of life, beyond the fear of instinctual or biological survival.
Humans are “robustly self-centered” via their DNA Instincts to hunt pleasure, so the challenge of humanity is to sacrificially “share” purpose-driven “wisdom” and not instinctual pleasures. There is really no need for human intelligence, creativity and innovation in life if there is no “challenge” and testimony. We experience “Life” by creating and sharing intelligent solutions to the challenges facing our planet and the imagined worlds of fellow humans. Ultimately, stress and depression will result if the imagined worlds of fellow humans are not shifted away from self-centeredness and fear, and realigned towards servant-centeredness, stewardship and love. The rather abstract commandment to “Wholeheartedly Love God the Creator” is a viable escalation strategy to demote self-centeredness, though not practically sufficient. However, using this promoted Love to experientially serve Humanity the creation, as in the commandment to “Love your Neighbors”, virtually creates out-of-the-box neural adaptations and non-territorial habituations. That is, spiritually or intelligently using the self-centered Instincts to practically serve humanity completes the claim for servant-centeredness. Like the transition from childhood to adulthood, this shift from self-centeredness to servant-centeredness represents the process of maturing from instincts and fear to a life of purpose, spiritual intelligence and joy. Hence making love and integrity one of your personal contributions to humanity!
This article aims to accelerate and align the efforts toward meeting the goals of Vision Good Life. The information contained seeks to promote mastering an art of leadership or governance in alignment with how humans are “Designed” to be governed. We cannot expect the world to react to us contrary to its “Design” principles simply because we have used our “imagination” to invent a conflicting view of the world which compromises its “equity and integrity”. Like jumping off a cliff and expecting to eliminate the laws of gravity or to suddenly get wings to fly. Unlike humans, the world has no “imagination” of its own to flip-flop and react to us contrary to its “Design” principles. By extension, successful leadership and governance can only occur within the capacity of how life has been “Designed” to work by God.
This article welcomes its target audience including Ministers of Government, Diplomats, Society Leaders; Religious and Business Leaders among other Stakeholders in the local, regional and international communities; citizens, residents, associates, friends, well wishers and visitors of Jamaica the Land we Love. It is scientifically proven and easy to observe that the role of Fear is devastating to human life from as early as two years of age. Fear like stress and depression is bad food for the human mind and acts like termites eating out the human brain mass and depleting the immune system. Fear driven relationships, homes, communities and environs increasingly deplete the amygdala which processes emotions in the human brain. Resulting in lack of empathy, remorse and guilt for destructive actions performed against others and an inflated ego and will to fight a phantom war of superstitions or delusions of self deprivation. There is physical damage in the brain of the Fearful child or adult who increasingly becomes narcissistically enslaved with self-centeredness and Fear, beyond the reconciling or remedial forces of the Law. This mental slavery requires a methodology to heal and replenish depleted brain mass if or where possible. Hence the case for nurturing children and fostering good brain development.
Imprisonment or confinement will appear to work because the level of Fear is escalated, e.g. using brute force. However this may further destroy one’s ability to stop offending others which is essential for offenders to obey the law and embrace society. Alternatively, Love heals the heart and brain and empowers humans with creativity, innovation and passion to produce, fellowship and embrace the wellness of others among the goals of life. The United States, Denmark and Singapore are among other leading nations where Governments have implemented measures to control some basic human Fears like finding food, shelter, health, education and work. By this governance humans have a chance to explore Life beyond these basic Fears. The results have shown significantly improved creativity, innovation, productivity, wellness and fellowship among residents, visitors and other stakeholders. This article aims to inspire people to make a bold improvement on the governance of leading countries to control the beast called Fear in all its forms. Similar to Border Control we need Fear Control. By Design, humans deserve to live with excellence and experience the fullness and sincerity of the gift called Life, beyond the boring annoyances of Fear. This plea for “Governance by Design” seeks to awaken the awesomeness, creativity, innovation and magnificence in humanity.
Roughly speaking, to have Integrity is to prudently execute your commitments against the odds with actions that speak louder than words. Integrity is the persistent testimony of faithfulness and evidence of wholesomeness against the unperceived fear and challenges which disrupts your commitments. Example, organizing a scheduling system to resolve competing priorities. In the face of inevitable challenges, Integrity secures and maintains wholeness, intactness, unity, workability, self-control, peace and joy within each member and the overall team. The idea of Integrity assumes the mastery of certain innate fear, weaknesses, undeveloped capacities or intelligence in handling the challenges of life. Like the ability to fully constitute and integrate your heart, mind and soul with your purpose. That is, synchronizing the bodily habits, addictions and actions with the wild adventures of the mind and imagination through a stable context, spiritual vision or purpose that is life-designed. The wisdom in Integrity is constituted through the purpose-driven development process of forming, storming, norming and conforming. Like a preventative maintenance strategy Integrity is characterized by incredible servant-centered team collaboration (not compromise), excellent performance bounded by a workable design scope, and courage to proactively and preemptively work against the odds.
Integrity is said to be one of the most important, yet puzzling concepts. It is often confused with acting morally; however a moral stance allows a person to choose the workability and peace that Integrity offers. Let us use the integrity of a bicycle wheel, as an analogy to scope the functional culture of human Integrity. The Integrity of each spoke in the wheel compares to the integrity of each person’s role of stewardship. The center-shaft compares to a central context or spiritual vision supporting the life-purpose of each spoke or person. The integrity of the whole wheel or world of humanity is the composite of the Integrity of each spoke or person working through the collaborative service of the rim or a governing body. The Integrity of the wheel is as strong as the weakest spoke, since other spokes will progressively fall apart when one spoke is not intact. Hence the Integrity of each person is not isolated, but must include collaborating (not compromising) wisdom with other persons in order to bolster composite Integrity. Also, Integrity operates within a design scope, so if the wheel was designed to support a weight of 50 units then we cannot expect it to support a weight of 200 units. Hence humans cannot speak about integrity when operating contrary to how the world was designed to work.
The connection between integrity and morality relates to a person’s spiritual vision or lack thereof, hence the word context. Morals or ethics are personalized value rules or “good reasons” for acting and taking a stance within a society or organization respectively. Engraved by a central context or spiritual vision, morals guide the choices of sacrifices and payoffs for taking a stance for the workability, wholesomeness and peace that integrity offers. Example, while moral authority (not hierarchical authority) is the essence of team leadership, a self-centered person demotes the need for morals or integrity. The myth of self-centeredness demotes the need to evaluate the workability, collaboration, wholesomeness and morality of your actions in relation to others. Self-centeredness is a waste of intellect on instinctual needs which are automatically fulfilled by the genetic code or DNA program driving the instincts. Example, you do not need to prove or pretend to be working towards independence, self-sufficiency and selfishness which are robustly programmed in your fear-driven and pleasure seeking beast of DNA Instincts. The power and essence of human intelligence is to master the art of sacrificial “sharing” without an expected return or a 50-50 favor and awaken others to do likewise. So, Integrity enforces your mastery and robustness to sacrificially awaken the full potential in fellow humans and inspire them to also awaken the full potential in their neighbors.
On the matter of Leadership, there is the misconception or myth that Leadership is a position or rank available to selected few, like the hierarchical levels of management in an organization. This is a rather self-centered and egotistic structure in which the subordinates “pretend” that they are working for their superiors. It is not possible for a self-centered human to authentically work for another self-centered human due to the lack of evaluating the workability or unity of their actions in a team. Hence, in reality Leadership is a “tool” available to any person to do the work of collaborating wisdom among members of a team. To bolster the Integrity of others, Leadership uses a mix of directive and participative supervision styles through the purpose-driven development process of forming, storming, norming and conforming. So in a nutshell, Leaders are like servant “tools” who sacrificially make themselves available to work with other team members to tackle the challenges of Life and secure team workability and unity.
According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), “bad governance” is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our societies. However, it is widely known that at the source of this evil lies the challenge of “Fear” driving the Survival actions of humans to exploit “equity and integrity”. Especially in a global society idealized by self-centeredness, competitive rivalry and the Fear of the “Survival of the Fittest” exploiting the shoulders of the weak and fallen. In an effort to uproot this evil, International donors and financiers are increasingly requiring "good governance" to enforce “equity and integrity” in the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Like uprooting Fear from driving the Laws of Economics and Government. Such as, the Demand and Supply of fabricated scarce benefits and fearful news; or Marginally Utilizing satisfaction, taste and greed to deceptively fake human wellbeing.
However odd it may seem, “Love” is the only means of uprooting evil and Fear. Hence Love must lie at the source of "good governance" or any solution to "bad governance". Governance essentially relates to the processes administered by government, social and influential leaders in providing leadership and decision-making that define expectations, grant power and verify performance. Hence “good governance” seeks to promote a global society idealized by servant-centeredness, fellowship and Love for the “Survival of the Human”; a society where the Fittest embraces and secures the participation of the weak and honors the sacrifice of the fallen.
The Government is one of the most influential and dominant players responsible for the art of leadership and governance used in governing a nation's expectations, power and performance. However, other players who participate in decision-making or influence the decision-making process may include the military, religious institutions, influential land owners, international donors, multi-national corporations, political parties, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other influential stakeholders controlling media, research and finance.
"Good governance" is critical for a nation to achieve its major goals and objectives in providing an equitable standard of living for its people. Example, in “Planning for a Secure and Prosperous Future”, the Government of Jamaica has deliberated a major set of goals namely Vision 2030 Jamaica, which is also referred to as Vision Good Life for the purpose of this article. This National Development Plan is the roadmap for making "Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business” by year 2030. Fundamentally, this speaks to building relationships of Love among individuals interacting across all areas of life, including but not limited to work, play, education, religion, leisure and family life. Therefore, as expounded later, resolving the myths, conflicts and challenges of using “Fear to secure Love” and “Love to justify Fear” in the Survival actions of humans are critical success factors for realizing these goals.
The essence of the Jamaican National Pledge indicates that this issue of Governance by Design is not new but for some “good reason” we have lost or forgotten our “resolve” for humanity in our backyards. Like a skeleton in the closet, out of sight, out of mind and out of action. Therefore this article highlights some of the lost or forgotten treasures that we may have mistakenly, intentionally or ignorantly rendered obsolete. It is easy to observe that our pursuits for earthly possessions like “knowledge is power” often instigate a loss or trade-off of essential “rituals” for “good reasons” not to pursue the Spiritual virtues of life. However, it is a myth or deception to think that “knowledge is power”! Why then would knowledge empower persons to know that something is right yet they are allowed to overrule and still do the wrong whether mistakenly, intentionally or ignorantly? So let us unleash the real “power of Love” to rekindle the essential rituals which define and galvanize our Life’s Purpose. Let us eradicate the myths or deceptions which often masquerade as “good reasons” to harbor Fear and stop us from realizing our life’s goals. Let us pledge our Love, loyalty, wisdom and courage with strength and vigor in serving and fellowshipping with our neighbors. Let us be diligent, creative, generous and honest, so that Jamaica and other nations may under God increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity as we all play our part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.
Therefore, in order to plan for a secure and prosperous future the Government of Jamaica has competently articulated the only viable solution of Governance by Design. That is, to setup “Vision Good Life Jamaica” to enforce our Life’s Purpose and Pledge of inspiring and enabling Jamaicans among other nations to play their role of stewardship in advancing the welfare of the world we call home. Like becoming the nations and places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life.
Let us look at a major challenge in Governance presented by Business, which represents one of the major stakeholders in achieving the goals of Vision Good Life. Business is a major investor or sponsor of political parties and governments. It is easy to observe that Business is often the vehicle used to shape the economic landscape and secure power for the reign of governments and by extension the strategies for governance. However, it is clear that Business is based on competitive rivalry and is shackled by the Fear of the “Survival of the Fittest” expending the weak to reap profits. Business is also exploited by the Fear of using satisfaction and greed as a deception for human wellbeing to fabricate the demand and supply of so-called man-made scarce benefits. Like polluting our minds and environs, then charge us to repair the damage. Additionally, Business has often socialized humans into using “emotional labor and aesthetics” to fake expressions of Love without adequate consideration for the state of the human “heart” or Spirit. Consequently, Quality, Service and Performance induced Policies and Procedures are then used externally to curtail the Fear driven Survival actions of employees with consequences ultimately leading to being fired or uselessly burnt-out.
That is, it is ok for human Survival to be driven by Fear as long as the resulting human actions remain within the confines of the Business organizational Policies and Procedures of profiteering. Example, employees are sanctioned to wear a smile even when they genuinely dislike annoying and abusive “customers” whose actions the organizational Policies claim are always right or never wrong. This persisting life of conflicts between Love vs. Fear in the heart and actions of humans ultimately burns-out employees or gets them fired. Also, employees and stakeholders eventually embrace this defective and conflicting style of leadership or governance as a dominant legacy for managing their homes and families ultimately to become a place of persisting conflicts, deception and disunity. Resolving this challenge of using “Fear to fake or secure Love” in the Survival actions of humans is a critical success factor for realizing the goals of Vision Good Life. That is, if Jamaicans and other nations are expected to make their countries places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life.
Let us also look at a major challenge in Governance presented by Religion, which represents another major stakeholder in achieving the goals of Vision Good Life. Religion often attracts the hearts of a large base of supporters and voters of political parties and governments. Also, Religion is often used to shape the Laws supporting the reign of Governments and by extension the strategies for governance. The organizational and operational structures of Business are often used to manage the affairs of Churches. Hence Churches are also exploited by the culture of Fear exploiting Business. Example, it is possible to view the Gospel like a business product and the members or visitors are like customers being sold the tasteful Gospel. The tithes and offering are like income used to pay the expenses after which the heads of Church enjoy the profits as payment for their risk of enterprise in running a solvent Church business. Though the role of Religion is philanthropic and charitable, its vulnerable organizational and operational structures have sometimes fallen to Fear, corruption and unrighteous acts within our societies.
Alternate to Business, the institution of Religion often uses “believism” to socialize and focus the human “heart”, context or central philosophy towards Love without adequate consideration for their Survival actions. Consequently, religiously induced Morals and Laws are then used externally to curtail the Fear driven Survival actions of humans with consequences ultimately leading to expulsion, detention and death. The truth is, it is not sufficient to make a commitment or really mean what you say. Example, as with “believism” Simon Peter really really meant that he would not deny Christ. Yet he denied HIM anyway. Hence you have to use the integrity, excellence and willpower of God’s Love to resist, deny and overcome self-centeredness and Fear in order to finally do what you really mean. Can you see millions of people meaningfully making their commitments of marriage, religion, business and other social unions; yet they divorce or breakup anyway? Idolized self-centeredness and uncontrolled Fear!
It is common for “believers” to assume that regardless of their actions being righteous or sinful, God has their back simply because they “believe” in HIM. It is not sufficient to “know” or believe in God without a personal experience and testimony. Like deceptively claiming “faith” without the actions that experientially demonstrate faithfulness, love and self-control. Even though it is widely “known” that faith without works is a sin or is dead as the wages of sin. Knowledge is really not power! Like “believers” often clamor for “healing” from food related diseases without curtailing their actions of poor eating habits and lack of exercise which ultimately leads to premature death. Or clamor for employment and monetary “blessings” without curtailing their actions of laziness, procrastination and wasteful spending. This persisting life of conflicts between Love vs. Fear in the heart and actions of humans ultimately misleads “believers” to expect “life-saving rewards” from God regardless of their sinful actions which leads to the grand prize of premature death. Likewise, “believers” use this defective and conflicting style of leadership or governance as a dominant legacy for managing their homes and families ultimately to become a place of persisting conflicts, deception and disunity. Resolving this challenge of using “Love to justify uncontrolled Fear” in the Survival actions of humans is a critical success factor for realizing the goals of Vision Good Life. That is, if Jamaicans and other nations are expected to make their homes or countries places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life.
In a nutshell, Business and Religion are two of the largest forces driving the policy framework and rule of Governments. Business often uses the Fear driven Survival actions of humans to “fake” the expressions of a heart of Love through the whip of organizational Policies and Procedures. Alternatively, Religion often uses a heart of Love to justify the Fear driven Survival actions of humans through the whip of institutional Laws. So, by this governance, it is ok for Survival to be driven by Fear as long as our actions remain within the confines of the Law. Hence, for example, the Law gives Fear the freedom to ruin people’s lives though gossip, worrying, depression and hypocrisy among other things which are not against the Law. As opposed to providing leadership or governance to use Love to eliminate Fear in any form from driving people’s lives to premature death.
Notice how Laws are frequently being developed to cap the increasingly sophisticated deceptive actions of humans who find new ways of beating the system of governance in order to Survive by Fear? Soon we will have a Law requiring the declaration of the source of money used to make religious contributions, donations and tithes. Can we use Religion and Business as pedestals to shape our institutions of Morals and Laws, and then find “good reasons” to say that Religion is as bad as Business in being havens for corruption, hence the declaration of funds? Can you picture the cries of guillotines slaughtering hundreds of civilians and lawmakers alike by the failures of the goddess called “Good Reasons”, traumatizing the Courts? Yes, a lesson from the 1790’s French Revolution. If Business and Religion are not the root problem, then they are mere symptoms, Trojans or vehicles being exploited by the root problem. That is, using “Fear to secure Love” and “Love to justify Fear” in governing the Survival actions of humans.
It is easy to observe that Love and Fear are conflicting, diametrically opposite and impossible to rule together. Rather than the conflicting flip-flop between Love and Fear, it is better when Fear is demoted and Love rules your response to Life’s challenges. Love awesomely reigns by truth and rewards you with exceeding joy. The choice of Fear as a response to Life’s challenges steals your deserved joy and rewards you with rather disabling and terminating consequences. Fear seeks to exploit Love and Love seeks to cast out Fear. This persistent flip-flop, instability and conflicting system of Governance fundamentally lies at the root of one of the biggest deceptions and evils. That is, it is ok to act contrary to our commitments and without regard for the consequences. This uncensored myth dominates the malpractices of governments, businesses, religions, homes and by extension the lives of stakeholders, individuals, families and vulnerable children across the world.
A bad tree cannot bear good fruit or secure real joy. Hence “bad” governance ultimately produces “bad” Laws with terminal consequences and blacklists the future of creativity, innovation and wealth. The resulting cost is obviously tremendous by the magnitude of its impact across our societies. Bad governance disables productivity and exploits the equity of others including international donors. Like deceptively not being productive at work and clamoring for the biggest pay and bonus earned by others, under the pretence that because you were present at work, then it means you were productive.
Now we have nations of supernaturally “Designed” and powerfully creative human beings socialized to waste their entire lives merely reacting to the Fear of the Survival of the Fittest; mainly to fill their bellies and satisfy their emotions while rivaling to the death. How about powerfully innovating, producing, making a lifetime contribution and experiencing Joy though bonding and fellowshipping with each other? Individuals lack the leadership or governance to activate their innate capacity of Love to eliminate or deemphasize Fear from driving their lives and instead celebrate a life of wellness, wealth and real Joy. Good governance is the only means of awakening integrity, sustaining equity and producing wealth. Like making our homes or countries places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life.
It is a Myth to think that humans can effectively live by Surviving in Conflicts of Love and Fear without disastrous or life terminating consequences. Since we cannot directly control the challenges or events of Life then the essence of Life concerns how we RESPOND to the challenges of Life. When you say that something is difficult or easy it tells how you have chosen to respond. Yes, our CHOICE in Life relates to the type of response selected, either Love or Fear. Each choice or type of response automatically produces CONSEQUENCES, rewards or penalties that feed into subsequent challenges. Example, when you respond with laziness, pretence, anxiety or fear then your intention is to “defensively” misrepresent the consequences in an attempt to secure your goal. However you will soon realize your demise in handling future challenges. We can only experience Joy by choosing LOVE, not FEAR, to implement our responses and related consequences in Life. For effective governance, your response to Life requires consistency and harmony across your Spirit (heart or context), Mind (thoughts or imagination) and Soul (powering the physical actions). Example, do not attempt to combine a heart of Love with thoughts or actions of Fear or vice versa.
At a basic level, Love embodies the “equity and integrity” of our commitments and actions that shapes the world and universe we call home. Fear exploits Love by using anxiety and deception to pretend you have “equity and integrity” is in place when there is none in reality, like laziness and procrastination. In Love you are selfless, righteous, self-sacrificing, and servant-centered towards embracing your neighbors, through the humility of a sheep and the serving heart of a shepherd, and with the added bonus of automatically improving your wellness mentally and physically. In Fear you are self-centered and selfishly seeking to eliminate your perceived defective and competing neighbors, with the added loss of depleting your immune system and mental sanity to the death while using pride, superiority, ego, inferiority, shyness, jealousy or envy as a deception, motive and “good reason” to cover-up your ill-intentions, malpractices or insecurities. In Love you affirm God’s presence, protection and control in any situation, which affords you to selflessly help others to govern their Fear driven Survival actions and return to Celebrating Life by Design, in Love.
Behind every human “Survival” decision and action there is an innate Spiritual pursuit of Joy. Realigning our “mindset” to explore our dreams and goals within the context of how Life is “Designed” to work is critical to resolving the challenges of Life and to effectively realize Real Joy. Yes, “goals” cannot be realized when built on a foundation of “myths”. So, detoxifying the myths and deceptions in which you have been socialized by the society and culture is critical to realigning and realizing your dreams and goals. For example, Joy is “Designed”, created or made by God in the Spiritual realm and not in the physical or Carnal realm. This is exemplified by the nine virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit, i.e. Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Self Control. Therefore as opposed to Fear, Love is the only means of “securing” Joy. However, we can use our “imagination” to invent our own Joy contrary to God’s “Design”, but will soon realize that we cannot Live it out in Reality. Yes, we soon realize that Carnal nature has no “imagination” of its own to flip-flop and react to us contrary to its design principles. However, if we want to imaginatively play “god” and invent our own Joy, then we also need to invent our own world of Carnal nature. Of course, without selfishly seeking to exploit the “equity and integrity” of God’s Design and creation of the Earth we all “share” as home. How about bringing “equity and integrity” to secure a prosperous future by making our countries places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life?
Let us invent a humanitarian “Purpose” for our Lives to shape and inspire a paradigm world standard leading in wellness, joy, creativity, productivity and wealth by using God’s Kingdom of Love, Joy and Righteousness to govern the human Heart (context and Spirit), Mind (thoughts and imagination) and Soul (powering the human senses, physical actions and habits). The genius in “Purpose” calls into being a culture of intelligence that brings the fire to act, dynamism to evolve, measurability to ensure balancing and Love to secure the equity and integrity of the target assignment. This invented Purpose aims to resolve the challenges of using “Fear to fake or secure Love” or “Love to justify uncontrolled Fear” and provide mastering an art of leadership or governance in alignment with how humans are “Designed” to be governed.
That is, inspiring individuals like our neighbors to experientially explore and develop a personal one-to-one and intimate communication with God whose Perfect Love casts out Fear. Like hearing, listening, sensing and talking with God at the cool of the day in the Garden of Love where the Fear of Survival is not required, hence demoted, deemphasized and resisted. And in so doing to experientially have God righteously lead their hearts, train their minds and direct their steps via visitations, dreams, visions, signs and experiences. Example, with or without the use of modern tools and equipments, Noah was scientifically trained to build the Ark because God experientially communicated via his heart, mind and soul. Likewise the education, wellness, creativity, productivity and wealth of Jamaicans and other nations will be significantly improved when God is directing each individual’s heart, mind and soul.
The Bible declares, that Nothing past, present or future can separate us from the Love of God, and all things happen for Good for those in Christ. This is a claim of joy, security and predictability which deemphasizes the need for Fear to drive the Survival actions of those in Christ. Not shackled by the Fear or terror in the worldview of the Survival of the Fittest sacrificing the weak, or the Demand and Supply of fabricated scarce benefits, or the Marginal Utility of using satisfaction and greed as a deception for human wellbeing. This governance transforms Life to be like a simple Game of pursuing Joy. Like a simple game of cards where players are inspired to exchange strategies for the shared Joy. In this Game the areas of Life including work, play, education, religion and family are used as vehicles for each individual to experientially “bring” Love as the presence of God to the Game of Life. Essentially, in this Game of Life we are temporary stewards of the Earth, exchanging “intelligence”, executing our commitments with “equity and integrity” and unleashing God’s Love Provisions among all players for the Shared Joy of Fellowship and Communion. Now, in the Game of Life our whole life becomes a “signal” to each other of God’s character, equity, integrity, excellence and Love.
When Fear governs and drives your survival actions then you proclaim to be your own selfish “god”. Yes you struggle to resolve the challenges of life by deceiving and eliminating others in your pursuit to “extract” joy. However when you “bring” Love as the presence of God to govern your Survival actions, then God is in control of rearranging or configuring the challenges of life. That is, God is in charge of shaping and rearranging the objects, persons, situations and challenges that appear on your “Game Board” of Life. Yes, God the supreme creator has the power to create, add, delete, modify and reshape any object, person or challenge on your Game Board of Life. Also, God is the one who makes you “present” to visualize and understand what is on your Game Board of Life. Can you hear Jesus pleading with God the Father? When Jesus saw the arrangement of His Game Board, He repeatedly prayed Father, can this cup pass from Me? Otherwise let Your will be done. Can you see one of the world’s wealthiest men Job in pain, sick and medicating in ashes? “Forget about integrity; curse God and die” his wife petitioned. When Job saw the arrangement of his Game Board he resolved that regardless of achieving or losing wealth we must still praise God. Can you feel the heart beat of a man constricted with self-centeredness and suppressed by the terror of Fear? When Simon Peter saw the arrangement of his Game Board he resolved to deny Christ for Fear of losing his life.
Friends though it is possible to think or imagine otherwise, the truth is, we cannot control the challenges of Life. Hence we cannot control the world or the people within it. However, each of us can only control our Response to Be the Change we want to see. Like Jesus responded to surrender self-centeredness and Fear. Jesus committed to being a humanitarian, as in “loving God unwaveringly and loving His neighbors as human beings”. He became the change of Salvation that He wanted to see for humanity. So regardless of the challenge of life, you may stop pointing fingers on others and dodging your responsibilities as there is no one to blame, praise or thank for the state of your life but God. Stop blaming the Government, big Business, the Church, your job, family, friends and neighbors. Be happy and thankful about the testimonies God arranges in your life. Be wise, passionate and bold in your adventures. Take a stand for integrity and the stewardship of the world. Let intelligence, faith and Love do the struggling for your survival while you live with excellence, ease and grace. Share your Joy with others for the character of God is Love.
That is, when God presents you with a challenge your only question should be: “Why has God presented this arrangement or challenge to me?” And your only answer should be: “To submit my self-centered mindset and idol of self along with my deceptive myths and beast called Fear to God’s governance. And to commit my heart, mind and soul to acting and signaling others about the character of God by “bringing” equity, integrity, excellence and Love to the Game of Life. Like being Faithful for what matters in Eternity and courageously being the “change” you want to see! Hence the challenges of Life are presented to perfect your balancing of stewardship and obedience to God along with experiencing a Life of true Joy. Like living the Purpose of inspiring and enabling humanity to their supernaturally designed, intended and deserved Life of wellness, joy, creativity and wealth through God’s Kingdom of Love, Joy and Righteousness. Can you imagine a whole person and by extension an entire family, community, nation and world having a Life of simplicity and full of real Joy? Wow, Vision Good Life in reality!
The success of Jamaica as a nation will be established through a new paradigm world standard leading in wellness, joy, creativity, productivity and wealth. It is easy to observe that these are the dominant aspirations of human life. Attaining success through Righteousness will become a signal to other countries to adopt this model across the areas of life. Righteousness embodies God leading your heart, mind and soul to shape the footprints of Governance by Design. That is, God’s system of morals and values assures the success of Governance by Design, which asserts that humans are designed to “Survive” through both a Physical (carnal) and a Spiritual nature.
The rather instinctual and robotic Physical nature, when left on its own (or by default) is unfortunately driven by the beast called Fear and is often referred to as the fallen nature. Like deciding (or not deciding) to socialize with persons merely based on friendly “chemistry”, sexual, emotional or instinctual attraction will not secure the Joy of Life. The Spiritual nature uses the virtues of God’s Love to provide “intelligence” to govern the Physical nature into performing the designed role of maintaining “integrity and equity” of the world we call home. This “intelligence” is particularly used in the formulation of selfless, servant-centered and agape relationships which deemphasizes Fear from driving the Physical nature. On its own, the Physical human nature cannot be Righteous. Our self-righteous acts are tarnished by the deception of unsolicited 50-50 favors masquerading as Love. Hence the Spiritual nature which represents God must consistently be placed in charge to Righteously govern the use of the Physical nature. Like a carpenter managing the use of his tools. To walk by the Spiritual nature means to let God Righteously lead your heart, mind and soul. You must maintain an unwavering commitment to Spiritual Love, Joy and Righteousness and an unyielding resistance to the self-centered and Fear driven culture of Physical nature.
It is both an epistemic and a psychological defect to consistently expect or think that the world has an “imagination” to react to us contrary to its design principles. However the Physical nature of humans is vulnerable to whatever is promoted (or marketed) in alignment with culturally and personally accepted norms, habits and socializations. Humans often make choices based on these uncensored vulnerabilities or blind-spots which are sometimes exploited by magicians performing tricks and advertising campaigns using taste and greed to fabricate people’s wellbeing. We have to be responsible participants who seek to empower the wellbeing of others by what is promoted or marketed via these channels. Governance by Design concerns “equity and integrity” and seeks to promote mastering an art of leadership or governance in alignment with the “Design” principles of the world.
Regardless of the most pervasive thoughts or good intentions driving persuasion and confidence in the human mind, the bodily senses and emotions are independently interacting with the scope of influences and addictions in the environment. Though it is possible to imagine otherwise, mental persuasion and acclamations most often cannot adversely outrun the uncensored vulnerabilities and addictions in the environment. We must act to relocate or regulate the environment in which the senses and emotions independently feed and sow. In reality, the actions of Love we do the most or dodge the most determines who we are and who we are not, without regard for adverse acclamations or influences. The commitment to Governance by Design enforces Righteousness to lead where the heart, mind and soul (or bodily senses) get their food and sow their seeds. That is, Righteousness regulates the soul and the environments influencing the bodily senses, emotions and additions. Righteousness regulates the mind and the persistent thoughts and imaginations in pursuit of self actualization and gratification. And Righteousness regulates the heart and the actions that enforce our commitment to God’s virtues of Love and demote myths like self-centeredness and Fear. In essence, Righteousness regulates the actions, creations, myths and consequences of our wild imaginations within God’s reality.
There is no need to change the laws of Economics or the structures of Government, Business and Religion. No need to upstage the magicians fabricating Demand and Supply or the greed in Marginal Utility. Only to socialize people to experientially let God secure the borders of their lives against the snares and terror of the beast called Fear. Similar to a political campaign, we can use mass media marketing, town hall meetings and door to door campaigning to influence the attitude and behavior of our communities and societies. Awaken people to joy, creativity, innovation, integrity and excellence through something as simple as an Honest day of WORK, Physical Health and Charity. The Bible declares that by the sweat of our faces shall we eat bread, until we return to the ground. Hence our innate pursuit of Joy can be achieved through productive work and rest which are done to honor God the Father of creativity and innovation. By extension, laziness or unemployment dishonors God. Jamaica already has an existing network of schools, churches, businesses, voluntary and social organizations to facilitate distribution of this vision if promoted with a good leadership of Love.
Jamaicans have historically and experientially realized that living and existing merely for the purpose of reacting to the Fear of the “Survival of the Fittest” eventually becomes hauntingly BORING. Not to mention the potential brain damage, sickness, low productivity and lack of fellowship that can result from Fear driving their homes, schools, work and places of leisure. People are tired of being persuaded and socialized to waste their entire lives mainly to fill their bellies and satisfy their emotions by rivaling to the death through Fear. The United States, Denmark, Singapore and other leading nations have shown that by controlling basic Fears people will spend more time producing and enjoying life. So, Jamaicans are ready to make the bold improvement to control Fear in all its forms in order to experience the fullness and sincerity of the gift called Life. Can you hear the people’s cry for Governance by Design and leadership to awaken the awesomeness, creativity, innovation and magnificence in their lives?
People require inspiration and leadership to powerfully innovate, produce, make a lifetime contribution and experience real Joy. Hence they are willing to explore developing their Spiritual Intelligence to “govern” the rather robotic or instinctual habits and addictions of their Physical or carnal nature. People are ready to terminate the epistemic and psychological defects of using “deception”, and instead pursue Joy according to how it is “Designed” by God is Love. Let us lobby the stakeholders of the local, regional and international communities to promote Governance by Design and mitigate the onslaught of Fear ruling the Survival actions of humans. Let us help each other activate his or her own innate Spiritual nature of God’s Love to govern and fulfill the requirements of Survival without being driven by the beast called Fear. Let us “bring” God is Love to the Game of Life and make our countries places of choice to live, work, raise families, do business and enjoy a fulfilled life!
The overall vision of these articles is about:
Fitting Survivalism into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Survivalism.
You may substitute the word “Survivalism” for any functional area of life, which may read: Fitting Work, Play, School, Church or Home into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Work, Play, School, Church or Home. Like merging all the areas and personas via one Life Vision.
This is a list of links and references:
- We are supernaturally “Designed” in Love, with Love, for Love and by HIS Perfect Love.
The KRYS Crime
and Life Solution
- Fitting Crime into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Crime.
- Fitting Purpose into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Purpose.
Governing the
Business of Life and The Pleasure Trap of Fear
- Fitting Governance into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Vision-2030.
- Fitting Fear into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Fear.
- Fitting JOY into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Joy.
- Fitting Success into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Success.
- Fitting Celebration into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Celebration.
- Fitting 50-50 Favors into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through 50-50 Favors.
- Fitting Money into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Money.
- Fitting Business into the Design of “Life”. Not losing “Life” through Business.
This is a testament of our Love to all our family, friends, associates, neighbors and visitors. Thank you for visiting this website:
Best regards,
The Greens