Promoting Brain-Friendly Laws & Lifestyles

Certify Students and Employees with Brain Health and Wellness

In reference to our 2016 Brain Health Drives Wealth symposium we welcome your participation in our 2017 Symposium. What if we could transform the vision, creativity and innovation of Jamaicans through Brain-Friendly Laws & Lifestyles as is done in Denmark and    Singapore? Our goal is for stakeholders to certify students/ employees with brain health and wellness as done with English & Mathematics.

If we can use selected foods to automatically enhance energy, sexual and muscular performance then it is feasible to use Brain food to automatically help students brain learn, study, pass exams, resolve money and people problems.

KRYS Global's Social Outreach Project partners with Government, Religious and Business stakeholders to joyfully promote the use of biological wellness as a means to concretely drive Job Creation, Crime Reduction and Social Harmony. This includes nutritious foods, fitness, exercise, psychology, mentor-ship and replacing punishment. Our motto: 'Healthy BRAIN, Wealthy decisions' will make Jamaica a first world country.

Congratulations! The induction of our six years of research on Creativity Learning, will showcase a Symposium on 21-July-2017; join us to celebrate Jamaica World Brain Awareness Month in July.

For further information, refer to our KRYS Creativity Learning Research